Thursday, December 13, 2012

We Saved Christmas!

Did we ever tell you about the time that Audio Ninja became a holiday hero?
Well... not in a "Rudolph, won't you guide my sleigh tonight" sort of way, but for one customer we were able to recapture some holiday magic from his youth. As a child, his parents used to take him and his brother and sister to the local department store to see Santa. At this particular store, they would record the visit and put it on a cardboard record for the family to take home. Our job was to transfer the audio from the records to CD and after a little cleaning and processing, we gave him a nice Christmas memory that he can share with his family. Do you have a record that you need put on another format? Drop us a line. We can help.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Audio Ninja's Fact-Finding Mission

Collecting "intel" to make us better at what we do!
We're currently on the East Coast on (kind of) a working vacation... getting to hear a lot of radio and learning what works and what doesn't. We like to hear examples of broadcast audio from other parts of the country because you can learn a lot about how different regions do things when it comes to audio production. So as we make our way through eastern Virginia, Washington DC, Philadelphia and Baltimore on our audio recon mission, we hope you'll all have a great Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Is there really a way that a humble audio production house can go green?
If there is, Audio Ninja is all for conserving energy and helping the environment however we can. Now we don't know too much about global warming and carbon footprints but we know that there are little things we can do to do our part. In fact, it started right when we went up with our website. Our web hosting is done by FatCow who use wind energy to run their company. Here's how they do it.

And to conserve energy, we just invested in LED flood lights for our studios...

Each bulb uses 15 watts of energy and have a life-span of 50,000 hours. That means you could leave the lights on for over 5 1/2 years before the bulb goes out! And since they don't use as much energy as a normal bulb, you're not using as much electricity either. And these bulbs are just as bright if not brighter than normal bulbs!

But the way we help the environment the most is by recycling all the soda cans we empty because sometimes it takes a lot of caffeine to get through a session!